Jimmy’s 47th Birthday in Baltimore Extravaganza got started at
Legal Seafoods, located in the Inner Harbor just blocks from Camden Yards. Some dude who looked like Notorious B.I.G. (Jimmy…what was that guy’s name??), and suckled on a foot long cigar while it was still in the plastic wrapper, gave us the recommendation. I was sold.
After a few apps, some chowder, and tasty beverages, it was time for some lobster.
WAITER: “Are you ready to order?”
ME (menu closed): “Absolutely. Set the two of us (Jimmy & I) up with some lobster, whatever you recommend. This bean bag (referring to Bucky) only eats red meat.”
WAITER: “Well, for the both of you, perhaps 8 to 10…”
JIMMY: “Sounds good Chief. Make it the 10.”
WAITER: “Would you like it de-shelled?”
ME: “You got it there, Chief.”
So, we donned the butter bibs, and commenced burying our faces into this mammoth bowl of lobster. Meanwhile, Bucky nibbled on his junior bacon cheeseburger. Half hour later, the bowl is still half full.
JIMMY (grabbing waiter): “Excuse me, chiefy. Did you say this was 10 ounces or 10 pounds?”
WAITER (without batting an eye): “10 pounds.”
So in true humanitarian make-things-right Jimmy style, he gave the wait staff the leftovers, which had to be at least 5-6 pounds of meat.
Thanks for dinner, Jimmy!!!!!
Seriously though. How in the world does someone think 10 pounds of lobster is appropriate for 2 dudes?!?!
Needless to say, we weren’t up for peanuts or Crackerjacks at the Orioles game, which followed immediately. Camden Yards is beautiful, and the seats were great. I mean…nothing says good times like sitting next to two dudes who heckle Twins 3-bagger Nick Punto the entire game.

Oh...and after the game, I joined forces with the
"Free the Birds" coalition, whose soul purpose is to oust Baltimore Oriole owner Peter Angelos. I think they liked my enthusiasm. And I'm not quite sure what wrong this Angelos dude has done, but after giving me a free "Free The Birds" placard, I was completely down for their cause.
Hey, Hey! Ho, Ho! This Peter turd has got to Go!

Saturday was the
Virgin Music Fest at
Pimplico Race Track, and Jimmy made things right by getting the V.I.P. treatment. For a mere extra $100, you get to sit in a private area away from all the animals. There was top shelf booze. Oh…and these lovely red seats.
Got caught in traffic, so unfortunately, missed out on
Drive-By Truckers. Got there just in time for
Wolfmother’s set on the main stage…they rocked.
The New Pornographers were playing without the lovely Neko Case, so that was somewhat of a buzzkill. The
NPs and Carl Newman were still fun, nonetheless.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah followed (I believe the cool kids call them “The Clap”) with some groovin good tunage.
Gnarls Barkley, dressed in full Roman garb, was probably more interesting than "crazy."

But the best act of the early afternoon imho was the
Brazilian Girls. Not sure what it was, perhaps the booze was starting to flow by this time, but
Sabina Sciubba and the whole stocking mask thing really does it for me. It was very festiv, a tad exotic, and perhaps quasi-weird at the same time. I think. I loved it.
After the
Brazilian Girls, a nice little pee-break band in the
Killers hit the stage, so I explored the fine facilities of the Pimplico grandstand, and grabbed our free tee-shirts (also included in the VIP package….what a deal!?!?!?). Next up, was
The Who. I probably was a little too harsh with my criticism of
The Who. Of course, it was cool to see Pete & Rog on stage. But the first half of their set just sounded like crap to me. OK...they're old, so I'll give them a break. Maybe I was just tired after the long day. Anyway, by the time they were done playing, I was a little more appreciative. So Kudos to
The Who for attending the occasion.

The main attraction, and well worth the price of admission alone was
The Flaming Lips. Even if you’re not a fan of the music, you’ve got to be a real sour-puss to not enjoy the live act. Wayne Coyne and crew put on an amazing spectacle that never fails to put a smile on this here face. Confetti cannons, Santa suits, dancing aliens, fake blood, the whacked out video montages, the interactive crowd stuff. It all makes me wanna sing and give hugs.

The set was pretty much typical for a
Lips show, complete with your hits from Yoshimi, a couple from The Soft Bulletin (including "Race for the Prize"), and the old school "She Don’t Use Jelly." Also got a taste of their most recent record At War With the Mystics with "The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song" (appropriately titled) and "Free Radicals" (see video below).
sidenote: be sure to check the
Lips website (link above or in the sidebar) for lots of good video, including "the YYY song."
Wayne started the show by blowing up a huge bubble that engulfed him, and then crowd surfed in the bubble (see video below). Warning, only the 1st 10 seconds (of :36) are worthy seeing. The rest is jumpy b/c Bucky kept punching me in the back. It'll give you a good shot of Wayne in the bubble, though: