Got to see Sonic Youth last night at Mr. Smalls, but unfortunately, we forgot our camera. Nothin more to offer here other than our strong recommendation to check these guys out at a venue near you. Being around for 20+ years, although they're showing no signs of slowing down, you just never know. My 4th time ever seeing them live, and I've never been disappointed. Thurston, Kim, Lee & crew still bring it.

Much of the setlist was pretty unfamiliar to me, since I'd yet heard more than a couple of tunes from the newly released Rather Ripped. And if the album sounds anything like it did live, I implore you to get yer sweet teets to the nearest record store. Sounds like there's more "Kim songs" on Ripped, perhaps to the distain of the "Kim song" bashers . I don't have a strong preference for either Kim's or Thurston's vocals, so the contrast of the two in different songs is rawkin pleasure to these ears. "Reena" and "Turquoise Boy" are a couple of Kim Gordon's tunes that I enjoyed. A groovy litte number that Thurston leads on called, "Incinerate" is up on Pitchfork available to stream (underneath their review of the record.) Give it a whirl. Don't cost nothing.
Mixed in with the 10 or so Rather Ripped tunes were a few old schoolers from 1988's Daydream Nation. "Candle" started off the set, shortly followed by "Eric's Trip," and then "Silver Rocket" was polished off for the last song of the 1st of 2 encores.
The first two SY albums I owned in the early 90's were Goo and shortly thereafter, Dirty. Yet the only tune heard from either of these was "100%," which always gets my head a bobbin. For the final song of the 2nd encore, we got a nice little treatie with 1982's Confusion is Sex's "Shaking Hell." That was nice.
Oh, and Mark Ibold, formerly of Pavement played bass along side Kim. That was cool.
Pavement sidenote: Matador is reissuing their 3rd record Wowee Zowee on November 7th, packed with extra goodies. Or at least that's what I'm told. Xmas IS right around the corner (hint, hint). Mark's the second from the left for you non-Pavement type turds:
As far as my personal Sonic Youth experience goes, I actually went backwards into the SY catalog with 1988 's Daydream Nation after acquiring Goo & Dirty in the early 90's. And 17+ years later, I personally feel it's the best of the bunch. But that's just my opinion. Here's a little tune I was hoping to hear live from that record, and still brings back fond memories of my early days listening to this legendary band. Appears they did play it a couple nights later in Allentown, PA. Have fun, and listen loud:
(left click to play, right click to download):
Sonic Youth - Teen Age Riot