Remember the movie The Deer Hunter? There's a scene when DeNiro and his pals are driving up north for a weekend of deer hunting the day after their best friend's wedding (hence, the title of the movie perhaps? see...I'm quick like that). At one point, they pull over and Fredo asks DeNiro if he can borrow a pair of socks. See, it gets cold up in Po Co. DeNiro then holds up a bullet and replies with the famous line:
"See this. This...this is this. This is This."Not quite sure where good old Bob was going with that one. But, hey. It's frickin DeNiro for chrissakes. I guess he had a point. My point....
As local legend has it, Potter County is also the site of the only known case of spontaneous combustion known to mankind. Yes...somebody caught on fire once upon a time. I think (?). Don't quote me on that. But I think that would probably suck. It would at the very least ruin the day.
Good times.
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