Friday: kinda tough to recover from blowout Thursday (see Tuesday's post), but nothing a Depth Charge, some Rehab, and a few Aleve couldn't handle.
Jess wins us V.I.P. passes, thanks to Boost Mobile. We'll probably get bombarded with spam now, but the free beers and burritos made it worth it (Yes...FREE beers!!!). Plus we got a lovely side view of the stage for Sonic Youth (see vid & pics below).
Slint started the "Don't Look Back" thingy off with the '91 classic Spiderland. From what I could tell, reactions from the crowd were kinda mixed, falling within these 3 sentiments:
A) This kicks ass
B) This blows
C) I loved the album, but it's just not doing it for me live
Put me in the 'C' group. I'll take Slint's advice: "This record was made to be listened to on vinyl." Or something like that.
And the best act of the weekend didn't disappoint: Sonic Youth ripped through Daydream Nation. When"Teenage Riot" started, I actually got goose pumps. After finishing up the album (sans the 14 minute "Trilogy" at the end"), Mark Ibold (ex-Pavement) came out and finished up an encore on bass, allowing Kim to do her little dance thing. You know the dance I'm talkin about...we LUV the Kim dance. Next time we meet, ask me...I'll do the imitation. Maybe not.
Anyway...Kim Gordon is the epitome of Rock. And Sonic Youth as a band continues to woo me every time we see them. They've been chalked up under the "do not miss" shows for a long time now, and there's no signs of them slowing down.
Here's song #4, "'Cross the Breeze", fresh from our little side stage nook. Sorry, it gets cut off b/c the song is so long, but the partial rocks:
For some more pictures of Sonic Youth...go HERE. And Jess is gonna kill me, but for some crazy reason, I can't find the close-up of Thurston that she took...ANYWHERE!?!?!?!? DAMN!!!
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