Granted, the shorts don't go down to the shins or anything, which leaves a bit to be desired, comedicly speaking. But, anyone willing to forgo protecting their balls to help the team effort gets the gold star from me. Even the kid who got nailed in the face in last week's video still cupped the junk for the second throw-in.
Finally, the Southside Works Cinema has been running a monthly installment of cult classic midnight movie viewing, with Monty Python and the Holy Grail on tap for December 6th.

I will be in attendance, as should you be. On the schedule for upcoming cult classic movies is one of Gary's favourites, Rocky Horror Picture Show. Mr. Smith always prefers going as Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

Oh the wonders of photo shop. Nicely played.
But my headline would've came from the "Ned Beatty bum rape scene" in Deliverance:
"Why don't you just dem pants" (said in summer tooth hick voice).
That's're still learning :)
That should've read:
"Why don't you just DROP dem pants."
Sorry...Recovering. Boozy weekend. gbvh can verify.
yeah, that was boozy. messy. the works. loved it!
please post the Give Me Something To Break video.
thank you!
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