Revelation #1:
Varlamov just isn't that good. Sure, certain goalies can come outta nowhere, play outta their minds for a time, maybe get some fortuitous bounces. But Varlamov is obviously better suited to wear the baseball cap at the end of the bench while the real players settle it on the ice. The problem with Washington is, Jose Theodore isn't a real player either.
We've seen a couple of these posers in the Burgh. Does Johan Hedberg ring a bell? How about Ty Conklin, who still can't unseat a washed up Chris Osgood in Detroit?
The real Marc-Andre Fleury stood up last night, snagging Ovechkin's cherry-picking breakaway at the 3 minute mark, and basically sending the Caps into a never ending spiral of embarrassment. Bottom line:
Fleury > Varlamov
Revelation #2:
Someone on the Verizon Center maintenance staff is gonna have a fun time cleaning off all the puck marks on the glass, courtesy of Alexander Semin. This is the same guy, who last October, remarked:
"What's so special about [Crosby]? I don't see anything special there. Yes, he does skate well, has a good head, good pass. But there's nothing else."
"I think that if you take any player, even if he is "dead wood," and start promoting him, you'll get a star."Alexander Semin = Clueless - A Shot
Revelation #3:
Well, not really a revelation to EC since we've been preaching it all along, but the argument over Ovie vs. Crosby is really no longer an argument. have to look beyond the numbers, beyond the box score, and actually watch these 2 play their respective games. And for the first time, we got a heavy dosage of eye witness accounts as they both went at it for a full series.
You have to look past the over-the-top celebrations, because acting like a clown after you score doesn't earn you extra points. I guess this also puts a fork in Michael Wilbon's theory of Washington will win because "Ovechkin just wants it more."
NBC, Versus, and the NHL would like for you to believe that these two are equals. There is no longer a comparison.
#87 plays all 200 feet. #8 plays about 120 (except of course, when he's trying to injure people).
#87 backchecks. #8 watches.
#87 excels at all facets of the game. #8 is only interested when he has the puck.
#87 is leading his team to the Eastern Conference Finals for the 2nd year. #8 will be watching.
#87 is a role model who plays the game the way it's meant to be played (The "Crosby Cries" contingent needs a new hate mantra, btw). He's complete class when he speaks, and credits his opponents after games.
#8 is a punk; a cheapshot artist who speaks out of the side of his mouth. Seeing that Gonch made it back for Game 7, you can also say that Ovie failed at his attempt-to-injure hit in Game 4. He also failed mightily at his run at Geno last night...
Revelation #4:
If he wins the Norris Trophy, as many people are predicting:
Mike Green = worst Norris Trophy winner ever?
Revelation #5:
Whether it was referee calls, bad ice at the Igloo, or (Lord help us) Yanni...
Caps fans sure do cry a lot.

As always, EC highly recommends Pensblog for a complete breakdown of the game.
The Pens success in the series was much more than Sid, Geno, and Fleury. Major props:
- The entire 3rd line of Staal, Cookie, and TK. Staal is simply the best 3rd line shut-down centerman in the NHL, and a great PKiller. Cookie was hitting everything that moved last night.
- Scuds = SOLID. Consistently the Pens best blue-liner all season.
- Miro Satan. HOLY CRAP?!?! Miro Satan is playing well!!!
- CRAIG EFFIN ADAMS!!! Thanks Chicago! This guy's a beast!
- Billy Guerin...the sniper Sid needs.
- Max. Always playing on the edge, didn't take 1 single penalty the entire series. Playing out of position on Geno's wing, this guy was the perfect medicine for Petey Sykora's milk carton disappearance.
- Fedotenko. Game's #2 Star last night has been solid in every facet, and is a proven playoff performer.
- Tanger. Love it when this guy is playing with confidence.
- Eaton. Block another shot you crazy bastard!
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