(catching up...)
Every time Sir Sid stepped into the face-off circle last Thursday, the Cro-Magnons at the Wach started their cute little chant. Meanwhile, 87 walked away with an 87.5% win rate, snagging 21 of the 24 face-offs he took. I guess he was affected.
I know...this sounds like a broken record around these parts. Every time the Pens play the scum bag Flyers, we get a chance to pull out the hate card and enjoy a laugh at their expense. It's almost too easy.
The Flyer philosophy has worked so well the last 35 years, why stray? Bring in more dirt bags: Chris Pronger, Ian Laperriere, and Ray Emery. These guys should fit in nicely with dildos like Debbie Carcillo, Riley Cote, and Scott Hartnell.
Pronger is slow, and well past his prime. But hey!! He's one of the league's dirtiest players, so he should fit in fine in Philly. Pronger was a non-factor all night, unless you consider his inability to avoid hits from Craig Adams and Matt Cooke a good thing.
Ian Laperriere is pretty much useless, in the same mold as Carcillo. Maybe he'll make the Flyer pre-game fight video , but he won't be helping these dopes get any further than they did last year.
And Ray Emery has drawings of famous boxers on his cage, which is obviously the reason the Flyers sought him in the off season. Emery was a sieve all night, and basically looked like a deer in headlights. Just as I used to remember him. The Rocky Balboa drawing on the back of Emery's cage saw as much rubber in the back of the net as Emery saw all night in front of him.
But the leader of the pumpkin-sweatered douche bags is obviously Hartnell. Bozo reached new depths of the scum pit when he actually bit Kris Letang in the scrum at the end of the game. Nothing surprises us anymore with these ass clowns.
And I know there's a bunch of Mike Richards fans out there, but it's official. The temperament of the world's most moronic sports franchise has taken over Richards, who will probably never reach his full potential until he is outta Philly. Richards took a run at MAF to end the game, taking a cheap shot to Fleury's head in the process. Oddly, Richards was nowhere to be found in that same scrum as he sheepishly laid on the ice acting like he was hurt so no one would kick his ass. He was last seen skating away from the fray while the rest of his teammates gooned it up. Richards = Douche.
Pens. Winner. Flyers. Loser. Again.
End of game funsies...
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