...randomness surrounding Guided by Voices, Robert Pollard, and other great indie rock bands; a quasi objective look at "my" sporting teams; the random horror film; plus other crap as we see fit...all with a Pittsburgh based feel.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wanted: an elbow to the head of Colin Campbell

The look of an ignorant, clueless, and often childish man.

Suspended 2 games. OK.

Suspended 2 games. OK.  (Mike Murphy held Colin's hand on this one, since it involved Campbell's son's team.  NHL rules state that Murphy and Campbell must discuss Bruins' suspensions together over a Slurpee).

Suspended 14-17 games. BRAVO!

Completely ignored. You had me.  Then you lost me.

If you would like to ask the NHL exactly how to elbow someone in the head, contact Colin Campbell at the following address.  Who knows?  Maybe if you're lucky, he'll let you elbow him in the head.  Just make sure you get video of it, and send it to EC.  We will then review it, and personally dish out your suspension.

c/o Colin Campbell

National Hockey League - League Operations
1185 Avenue Of The Americas
New York, New York

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