You ask and you shall receive. My long time good friend seems to like Empties Crushed, but "there are no pictures of me."
DK. I love ya. I miss ya. Next time you're taking in the rays, make sure I don't have my camera.
Nothing to do with nothing, but this song's been stuck in my head all fookin day. I don't why. Who cares. It's old skool. It rocks:
(left click to play; right click to download)
The Saints - (I'm) Stranded
Not sure what the deal is with the '(I'm)' in the title. Feels like sort of a diss to be included in parenthesis, while you're actually part of the lyrics. Would it've been too much trouble to incorporate the 'I'm' into the title without the ( )?? I think '(I'm) got jipped, personally.
More nothing to do with nothing...and courtesy of Ned's bro Tony, who I thank for the reminder of this little quote from Noel Gallagher:
"I don't ever attempt anything unless I can make it look effortless."
Well, alrighty then.
Back tomorrow with our little update on Sabina Sciubba and the Brazilian Girls, who we saw tonite at the Rex Theatre. Hell yeah Sabina!! You go girl.
editors note: that's not actually DK above. The sleepy jackson above is much too studly. Diane...don't be mad at me. Your hubby asked for it. You mess with me or the EC, you get the horns. Or something like that. I think. Whatever. I guess.
G-money, Great shot. Now your blog is complete by adding a little DK to the mix. Doesn't that make you feel better? Don't you feel like you are a better person now? Hope to see you and Jess soon. Have a great holiday. And the phrase goes, " When you booze, you never lose!"
Even when you lose, after you booze, which is rare...it's always hard fought. And that's what counts.
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