Just picked up the Sebadoh III reissue a couple weeks ago, complete with the bonus "extras" disc. When "III" originally came out in 1991, it was about 2 years after Lou Barlow had been kicked out of Dinosaur Jr. I probably prefer Sebadoh's '94 record "Bakesale" over "III", but what do I know.
I've seen Sebadoh labeled "the quintessential lo-fi band of the 90's." Well, no matter what your opinion on that label is...perhaps you prefer GBV or Pavement...you still gotta admire the do-it-yerself mentality of a lot of these early indie bands, and Sebadoh rightfully deserves its lofty place in the hierarchy of early indie rock bands. At least in my humble opinion.
Anyway...here's a couple from that "extras" disc. The first is a clean remix of "Violet Execution", probably my favorite of the Eric Gaffney contributed songs. The 2nd one is the original 4-track demo of Lou Barlow's "The Freed Pig", which has Eric switching over to drums. I believe "The Freed Pig" is an ode from Lou to his angry departure from Jay Mascis & Dino Jr. Unlike his former band, Lou was allowed to contribute songs to Sebadoh, and this is one of those gems.
(left click to play; right click to download)
Sebadoh - Violet Execution
Sebadoh - The Freed Pig
There's also an interesting little "showtape '91" track on there, as well as the improvised classic "Gimme Indie Rock", and a bunch more demos. Go over to Domino Records and pick up a copy here:
Also, be sure to check out Sebadoh's site for a bunch of mp3's and other goodies. Looks like they're planning a reunion tour, with the complete classic line-up of Eric, Lou, and Jason for Spring 2007. Kick ass!
nothing to do with nothing side note: AOL's City Guide is taking votes on the Best Live Music Venue in Pittsburgh:
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