The D stunk. The O-Line stunk. And I'm kinda thinking the 'throw early 'n often' game plan sorta stunk.
Polamalu's my guy, but some blame's gotta be thrown in his direction. Troy was caught out of position that lead to some big plays, and you can't help but correlate his return from injury to a few of the defensive backfield lapses. WAY too many 3rd and longs converted by Cutler, that had me reminiscing about the 2003 season. However, could we really expect any better with the Best CB on the Team not even dressed?
Despite the TO's, I thought Ben played well. You can't have Mahan rolling snaps back at ankles in the shotgun and not expect a turnover. Marvel Smith, what's going on? And the Steelers brass is looking pretty smart right now for not upping Faneca's contract, because he does not look like the same player. We need the O-Line to step up.
But like I said, my worries have simmered. Let's give the Broncos and Cutler some credit. They had their backs against the wall, in front of a national TV audience, and they played like everyone thought they were capable of at the beginning of the year. This was a trap of all traps. I mean, it's not like we lost to...the Bengals.
Just like the Seattle game, this w/e's game against the Felons has become a lot bigger. But Cincinnati stinks, and I'm suspecting we'll run all over their lame defense, Tomlin & LeBeau will make some necessary defensive adjustments, and all will be well again next Monday.

The Pittsburgh Steeler television viewing market sucks...when the Steelers aren't playing.
Is there a more lame team to watch? Damn, it would suck to be a Raven fan and be forced to watch that crap every week. I mean, it's pretty boring, no? How far does a forced Ray Lewis tyrade get you? I thought Brian Billick was an offensive genius. Or is that just in his own mind?
PENS v. Rangers tonight, kids!!! On Versus, HD, early 7:00 start.
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