Monday, December 29, 2008
This is John Mirasty versus Jeremy Yablonski in a December 19th game between the Syracuse Crunch and the Brimingham Senators.
Zidane wouldn't have stood a chance.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
stop me if you think that you've heard this one before...
I wouldn't plan on hearing any Smiths stuff, but should be a splendid time anyhow. Just hope he doesn't cancel due to illness, as has been the case the last two times.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
ESPN, The Cowboys, and Double Standards

Ed's "anonymous source" is telling him that players are ready to go to blows, that T.O. is getting players to go against Tony Romo, and that it is a locker room divided. It's a story custom made for the 24-hour, in-your-face, always a breaking story atmosphere the the worldwide leader pushed. Or, is it?
Go back to a couple weeks ago, when Fox Sports was reporting that Brett Favre made a phone call to the Lions to give Detriot the inside edge. Well, it didn't work, but the story, based on "anonymous sources," had picked up steam around the interwebs and everywhere else, except ESPN. At that time, the story was non-existent in Bristol, even as far as to have a memo released on the subject.
So, what makes Brett Favre stories off-limits when you can't attach a name to them, while T.O. and Dallas stories are fair game? While, taking the racist angle is sexier and more fun, I'll go with the "need to curry the favor of a soon-to-be retired football Demi-God so that he'll work for us in the future" side of things.
However, I wouldn't suggest telling "TWWL" or Mr. Werder that they may be less-than-consistent in their reporting standards. You might get a ESPN p.a. telling you that you probably don't have a job.

The Royals, winners today! Reading has won four straight and has taken points in eight of their last nine. See you all mo-fo's in the PLM next season.

Huge fixture tomorrow against Werder Bremen II, F.D. will be moving back into third tomorrow, and will be promoted into 2Bundesliga next season. Get pumped!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Friday, December 05, 2008
so I've been in a real Beat Happening mood lately...
Thursday, December 04, 2008

You can now find ALL of 'My Teams' atop their respective table. Check the standings grandma.
I'm not sayin. I'm just sayin.
And if you REALLY want to get technical about it, seeing that MLS 2009 doesn't start until next Spring, we can say that the Beloved TFC is also tied for first place, or will be before the season starts.
Huge Footie Saturday on tap:
Liverpool v. Blackburn: 10:00am at Piper's Pub
Inter v. Lazio: 2:30 on FSC
Barca v. The 3rd place Yellow Submarine: 4:00 on GOLTV
And nobody's pumpt?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Monday, December 01, 2008
Asshat: Plaxico Burress

With some exceptions, an asshat is usually earned with a full body of work. Barry Bonds, “Adam” Pac-Man Jones, Terrell Owens, and Sean Salisbury are all fine examples of people who built up a quality resume of asshat behavior before finding their way to CSC or EC’s hallowed grounds. It is with this in mind that I take my first foray into asshat induction writing.
A self-inflicted gunshot wound aside, Burress has had an asshat coming for quite sometime. “Plex,” who is making $3.25 million to not extend himself out over the middle, has already been suspended by the Giants for missing a team meeting. Not the first time he’s felt the need to skip work, The Steelers suspended him back in May of ’04 for exactly the same thing. This, is in addition to an endless line of fines levied against him by the Giants for being late to meetings and practice. However, three and quarter mill may not be enough to stay with a Super bowl winning team, as Burress sat out as long as humanly possible in order to force the Giants into giving him a new contract. We see who won that battle. So, what have the Giants gotten in exchange for this endless pain in the ass? Let’s go to the numbers.
His salary, pro-rated for the 11 games so far, looks like this…
$63,839 per catch
$4,922 per receiving yard
$558,594 per touchdown
Dude, your right. I have no idea how you can allow yourself to play for such meager wages. You are money.
According to SI the average wide out is pulling down $1,054,437, which combined with the league average stats make the value look like this.
$2,361 per receiving yard
$362,463 per touchdown
I’m sure the extra cash is thrown in because he’s such a good locker room guy.
So, yeah about that whole “loaded gun down pants with safety off” thing. Honestly, the best part of the story is that fact that Burress checked into the hospital under the name “Harris Smith” and told the doctors that he was shot at an Applebee’s.
Sadly, like the Falcon’s Ron Mexico jersey, the NFLShop has already shut down people attempting to buy #17 Giants’ H. Smith jerseys.

Well, have fun getting that big, shiny, new contract Mr. Smith. At least you know the Raiders will be ready to sign you.

Patriot Peeling
Worth every single inch of the 15 yard penalty that was assessed (in the new age NFL, hard hitting is not permitted).
The only thing that would've made this hit better, is if it would've been on Moss. But Randy doesn't come across the middle. He was too busy dropping passes and looking clueless.
A thorough tit peeling by the Steeler. I can't believe I bet on the Pats. But like Ryan Clarke's inevitable fine, it was worth every single penny.
And HEY! The offensive line played well. Superbowl?
An oldie, but goodie...
Friday, November 28, 2008
The 3 Best Films Ever
The Visitor (2008)
Richard Jenkins is fabulous. Touching story as well. From that dude that did The Station Agent. I know the year ain't over, and there will be plenty more from 2008 to see, but something really good will have to come along to knock this off my "Best" List...
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly (2007)
Can't believe it took me this long to see this. And I hate to knock Funny Games outta the top spot, but this film was simply amazing in every single way. The story is incredible, the photography and direction are the best you'll see (the first half hour or so from the lead's perspective is unreal!!!). And the acting, including an AMAZING performance from Mathieu Amalric, is top notch...
The Fire Within (1963)
aka Le Feu Follet for the French speaking folk
Yep. The same year that brought us Fellini's 8 1/2. This blows everything away. May just be one of my all-time favs. Louis Malle puts Godard and Truffaut to shame with this masterpiece. And make sure you get the Criterion Collection DVD, packed with goodies...including a 1/2 hour documentary with a perspective form Mathieu Almaric, and another 20 minute piece about Louis Malle's "Fire Within."
Anyone who has dealt with depression, or knows someone who has, this film is even that more powerful. We're watching it again tonight.
Warning: definitely not a "feel good movie." But if you like the type of film that truly puts you in the shoes of the lead character...this is it. Incredibly well shot. This is a MUST see, and I'm ashamed to say I hadn't seen it to this point. Not a trailer, just a scene...
And "23 Juillet" would be a kick ass band name. I'm googling...
Monday, November 24, 2008
I'll Drop My Pants To That!
Granted, the shorts don't go down to the shins or anything, which leaves a bit to be desired, comedicly speaking. But, anyone willing to forgo protecting their balls to help the team effort gets the gold star from me. Even the kid who got nailed in the face in last week's video still cupped the junk for the second throw-in.
Finally, the Southside Works Cinema has been running a monthly installment of cult classic midnight movie viewing, with Monty Python and the Holy Grail on tap for December 6th.

I will be in attendance, as should you be. On the schedule for upcoming cult classic movies is one of Gary's favourites, Rocky Horror Picture Show. Mr. Smith always prefers going as Dr. Frank-N-Furter.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
House By the Cemetary
Now HURRY!! Get these films into your Netflix Q by Monday morning so they can be delivered in time for Thanksgiving. What else are you going to watch with the family? The Detroit Lions?
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Eaten Alive
Watched this one on a whim while we were down in Nashville. And there's definitely a family theme if you pay close attention. If you liked Tobe Hooper's Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I highly recommend his follow-up Eaten Alive (1977)...
Interesting trivia note: Neville Brand, who plays the "villain" in the film, was the 4th most decorated soldier in WWII.
Robert Englund (better known as Freddy), also makes an early appearance, playing the white trash character, Buck.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Celebrate Thanksgiving by...
Was having an in depth discussion about the 1980 classic Zombie Holocaust the other day, and it occurred to me that Empties Crushed was rather lacking in its horror posts throughout October. As much as we watched the horror last month, we never really relayed any quality insights to our readers.
So we'll try to bring the best of what we saw from last month, knowing that y'all will be spending some quality time with the fam next week. And nothing says quality family time like...
Zombie Holocaust, a.k.a. Doctor Butcher, M.D.
If you've made it this far, here's the entire "propeller" scene...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing
:: Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing ::
Thanks, Dallas!
Right on Roger! Exactly effin A...
"Psych Threat" followed by "Zero Fix." Post GBV, can't think of a better 1-2 rawk punch to open a Bob show. Discuss amongst yourselves...
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
YES! In da face!
Thanks to Yost for that. I'm still cleaning up the spit off my monitor. Something about balls hitting face that really makes me chuckle. Gets me every time.
Monday, November 17, 2008
The Sixty-Four Million Dollar Play
"An estimated 100 million dollars was wagered worldwide on the Pittsburgh/San Diego game, according to RJ Bell of Approximately 66% of that money was on the Steelers; with only 34% on the Chargers.
"If the touchdown was properly upheld, Steelers bettors would have won about 32 million dollars instead of losing big. This admittedly incorrect call resulted in a 64 million dollar swing in favor of the bookies." [Emphasis added.]
Thanks pal, did me a solid one there. I hope you called up your buddy Tim Donaghy after the game to collect on your "Who can affect the money line more publicly and get away with it" wager.
The last time Mr. Green pulled off a crime this big he was in the Billiard Room with the candlestick.

However, Good Guys now a game up on Baltimore, so it's a wash.
Finally, Reading FC update time.

Third Place in the Championship League, one point out of second. When the promotion comes, y'all better guard your asses, we'll be coming at ya like a chainsaw.

The NFL is fixed, documented source confirms
Green (ref), in a postgame interview with a pool reporter, said that call was errant -- even though his explanation for the confusion was almost as confusing as the play itself.
"We should have let the play go through in the end, yes," Green said. "It was misinterpreted that instead of killing the play, we should have let the play go through."
Green said the confusion occurred because there was a misunderstanding about whether Rivers' pass or Tomlinson's lateral was in question.
"The first pass was the one that was illegal, but it only kills the play if it hits the ground," Green said. "That was incorrect to have killed it at that point. The ruling should have let the play go on. That's just the way that it played out. We believe the second pass (by Tomlinson) was legal."
Green was asked why, since the first pass by Rivers did not hit the ground, the officials decided after huddling that the play should have ended there.
What?!?! Somebody please explain this to me. A question about Rivers' first pass being illegal? I'm seriously lost. So in the New Age NFL, you can no longer block, tackle, or have your QB throw a forward pass.
Want more proof? Phil Simms was speechless after the play. You know...when the man who has an expert analysis opinion about every second of the 3 hour game...has no explanation, that something is afoul.
The source? Empties Crushed
Documented? Anybody with DVR capabilities.
In other NFL news, Abraham Zapruder filmed Roger Godell on the grassy knoll.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Type Slowly
Please send me my Brighten the Corners re-issue...soon. Preferably, before Friday. That would be swell! I've got some Canadian pals coming to visit this weekend that I'd like to impress. You know. With my whole...record collection. And shit. I guess I could play the digital version...or the old CD. But how much fun is that?
In exchange, I promise not to make fun of Cat Power anymore. Chan Marshall has an incredible stage presence!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Horsey-face is Out for the Season

For a brief 'My Teams' update:
Liverpool: Prem, tied for 1st (minus G differential)
Inter Milan: Serie A, tied for 1st (game in hand)
Barcelona: La Liga, 1st place
Toronto FC: not so much
It's gonna be a glorious year.
Friday, November 14, 2008
There was something in the air that night
Is the answer Jesus?
Ladies & Gentlemen....FERNANDO BRYANT!!!
Who's pumpt NOW!!!!!!!!!!
Your daily ESPN Sportscenter Cliff Notes: the Steelers are suddenly thin at the Cornerback Position.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Scott Hartnell You Hack!
Here's the deal with Ben Roethlisberger

With all due respect to TB, Big Ben has more raw talent than any QB who's ever worn the beloved Black & Gold. He's got the size, the arm strength, passing touch, and the athletic mobility to be one of the all-time greats. And when his head is in the game, he makes great decisions. That's the QB we cheered from the day they called his name on draft day.
The problem with Ben:
Ben is more concerned with being "the QB of the Pittsburgh Steelers" than with winning games as a member of the Pittsburgh Steelers. Ben likes everything that comes with the title, "Quarterback." He loves the spotlight and the fame, the fact that chics who nothing about the game will faithfully wear his jersey. He's also got tremendous athletic ability, which he relies on in lieu of hard work.
Ben's the dorky frat boy...the child who thinks that just because he joined a club, he has gained instant credibility in the cool arena. While Ben is looking for his baseball hat (and don't forget to flip it backwards), Peyton Manning is studying film.
Yes, the Steelers O-Line is brutal. But Ben's inability to make reads, poor timing with receivers, and constant happy feet in the pocket are clear signs he's not mentally prepared on game day. Throw in the fact that he doesn't even practice all week, and still gets the start on game's just a big recipe for disaster.
The good thing about Ben is his knack for inspiring motivation in himself. After living off his new found popularity as a Superbowl winning QB in 2006, a season that very much resembles this one (by his play), Ben bounced back with a monstrous 2007. But once again in '08, he has floundered.
Is he hurt? Maybe. But if that's the case....GET OFF THE EFFIN FIELD!!!!! Just because you display the painful grimace after every interception, that doesn't make you "a leader." But this goes back to my main point. Ben is selfish. He's more worried about being called "the leader" than he is with being the leader. If his best interests were in that of the Steelers, he would've stepped aside last week, and handed the ball over to the QB who gave us the best chance to win last week...Byron Leftwich. Instead, Ben sat out the majority of the practices leading up to the game, and predictably struggled. That's the Ben I take issue with.
He's clearly the Beloved's QB of the future. Although that doesn't mean he should've played last week. Hopefully, Ben grows up sooner rather than later.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Your little hood rat friend...she's been calling me again
but the one and only Hold Steady will be playing at the Carnegie Music Hall in Homestead tonight. Drive-By Truckers will also be on hand. Early show, and we're not quite sure who will open for who. EC will sadly be missing this one, so the rawk will have to go on without us, I suppose.
I don't quite get the choice of venue, but as our not-so-favorite saying goes, "it is, what it is." Hopefully, attendees won't be sitting in their seats too long (EC Tip of the Day: just because there's a seat, does not mean you have to sit in the effin thing!) Oh...and Carnegie Music Hall does not have a liquor license. So if you prefer to have a pop with your rock...don't be too disappointed. I think they offer Twizzlers, though.
From the 2006 record, Boys and Girls in America, CHIPS AHOY!....
Shout out to friend of the program, Larry, who I believe will be in attendance! You go, dude. You go.
Because You're All Growns Up
**** Bar Ref's note: it appeared the Referee on the Ice missed a diving penalty on Osgood, but the point was moot since the game was over. Clean up your scuba gear, Ozzie! We've got to announce the #1 Star of the night. ****
To borrow a Hudsonism: Get out of your sofas and applaud the gladiator performance of the day....JORDAN STAAL....
I couldn't help but think of this scene, with Jon Favreau as Staal. Our little baby's all growns up...
I'm quite sure the Pensblog will do a much better job at capturing the moment, so be sure to check them out tomorrow.
Jot this game down in the memory banks, kids. Remember the Thanksgiving night comeback in Ottawa, last year, which launched our Beloved for the rest of the year? That was this game. The dirtbag Flyers are up next on Thursday. Have fun.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
27th Three Rivers Film Fest
Due to some scheduling conflicts, I've got my eyes on these 3 here:
The Pool. Directed my Chris Smith, who did the ever-so-hilarious American Movie from 1999. Won the Special Jury Prize at Sundance...
Repo! The Genetic Opera. Paul Sorvino and Paris Hilton?! A cameo by Joan Jett. Sold...
Three Monkeys. Winner for Best Director at Cannes last year...
Friday, November 07, 2008
The Worst Lead in Hockey
Yeah. I'm bitter pants. Placed my first NHL wager of the year last night. The Flying Penguinos minus 1.5 pucks, +170. Up 5-Nil, under 2:00 to play in the 2nd period. 5-4 Final. Loser.
But Eric Godard beat some more ass last night...
I just imagine Steve MacIntyre as Riley Cote here, and all my troubles go away. At least for about a minute.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Steelers back in the Superbowl

Reasons for optimism:
The NFL is SO watered down this year. Pre-season Superbowl favorites? The Cowboys stink, The Colts stink, the Chargers stink, New England stinks. Our entire division stinks. The best two teams in the league to date: Tennessee and the Giants. But who's really in awe of those two?
Recall when Ray Ray and offensive genius Brian Billick won the Superbowl? The NFL stunk. New England hadn't really started their tear. Same for Indy. They played Kerry Collins and the Giants in the Superbowl for chrissakes. And they stunk.
The Steeler D is just as dominating. ESPN probably wouldn't admit as much, because there's no Ray Ray, and no forced antics. But when healthy, this unit is just as formidable. And they've done it the past few weeks without the best CB in the league (Bryant McFadden). When B Mc gets back? Forget about it.
And this "daunting"schedule coming up?
- Colts at home. WIN. The Colts stink. And it's at home.
- Chargers at home. WIN. The Chargers stink. Norv Turner stinks. Plus he's got crap on his face.
- Cincinnati at home. Please.
- at New England. Questionable. But Matt Cassell stinks.
- at Baltimore. WIN. Ravens can talk about contrived "bounties" all they want. They stink.
- at Tennessee. Potential L, but we'll exact revenge in the AFC Championship.
- Cleveland at home. See "Cincinnati at home. Please."
That gets us the #2 seed, a first round bye, and a win at home in the AFC Semi's. Go back to Tennessee, who won't be able to run on the Beloved. Kerry Collins' true colors show. Steelers go back to the Superbowl where they'll play someone in the NFC...who will stink.
And if things go array? We just turn to Byron again.

In other sporting news, there was some sort of blockbuster trade in the NBA yesterday, and EC is not contemplating the ramifications.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Best Sporting Weekend Since 19-something-and-5, a Retrospective
But in the grand scheme for 2008-09, easily the most two important victories of the four, and that speaks nothing to whom I cheer hardest for.
Penn St. Winner. Which will ultimately put them directly into the BCS Championship January 8th. Joe Pa wins out. Alabama or Texas lose at least once, with much tougher games looming, including respective conference championship games. Watching Terrell Pryor fumble the game away was even more gratifying.
Liverpool (see Winner!!!!). 3 points clear of Chelsea who has a superior goal differential. Another Man Utd draw on Saturday vs. Everton was just as sweet, so +2 on them is always a good time.
Pens. Still way too early in the season to be too crazily concerned. Although blowing another 3rd period lead was disturbing. But chemistry is still building, so I expect the Pens to be back atop the Atlantic by January 1st.
Steelers. Yeah, that sucked. But kinda the same story we've been preaching on these pages for a month. Two great defenses going at it. The Beloved are decimated by injuries. But the difference maker again...the O-Line. The Giants may have the best in football. We may have the worst. Santonio loving the Mary Jane didn't help. But we'll still easily win the pathetic AFC North, and there's really no one else that scares me in the AFC, including the undefeated Titan. Winning the Superbowl as we said back after Week 2? Not without a complete overhaul of the O-Line...and that's not bound to happen, at least in the next 2 months. Hopefully Ben can stay healthy and we'll win a playoff game. Best case scenario: after an early exit this season, we finally realize that this issue needs to be addressed.
Bottom line...the reason I say the loss isn't that big a deal in the grand scheme: It'll have no effect on the final outcome. Anything can happen when you get into the playoffs, so we'll still have a puncher's chance...but no more or less than what we had prior to this Week 8 game.
THIS, was the glorious glorious 'W' that I was referring to...
1-Nil Liverpool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wankers from Chelsea knocked from atop the table. 86 Game unbeaten streak at Stamford Bridge goes bye-bye! REDS ALL ALONE AT THE TOP!!! And looking in fine fine form...Back 4 has been superb...Carragher's a beast, Danny Agger is back...Mascherano & Xabi holding down the midfield, Kuyt is frickin flying all over the place, Robbie Keane's giving us quality up front, Ryan Babel providing pace off the bench...and Pepe's a frickin stud!!!! 6 points in 2 matches vs. Man U and Chelsea, both without our lad from sunny Spain, El Nino! And Stevie G is simply the best. Clicking on all cylinders, boys!!! THE PREM IS OURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Speaking of those 3 against Man Utd, this would be too much fun...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Best Sporting Weekend Since 19-something-and-5?
8:00 Tonight: Penn St. v. Ohio St.
9:30a Sunday: Liverpool v. Chelsea
4:00p Sunday: Steelers v. Giants
So by @ 7:00 Sunday evening, the Pens will be a mere 2 points outta first in the Eastern Conference, and ROLLING. Joe Pa will be one step closer to another National Championship. The Reds will be walking alone atop the Prem. And the Beloved will be on top of everyone's NFL power rankings.
And Santonio Holmes had to go ruin it by smoking the pot.
ps: Congrats to the Philadelphia Flyers, who became the last team in the NHL to finally notch a win for the season. Don't fret Flyers fans. As I've said in the past, simply take the Conference Standings...flip them upside down...and pretend your in 1st place.
pss: Danny Briere (you pussy) is out 3-4 weeks with what is believed to be a pulled crotch.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Boston Spaceships at the Blind Pig
slowly churning these out. Leg 2...
Probably one of the best shows we saw on the tour, with thanks to Canada, Bob's Big Boy, and perhaps the happiest cab driver on the planet. Also ran into John Sellers, and enthusiastically1 introduced myself. I believe we'd met back in 2004 at a NY show, but that was before I'd read his book Perfect From Now On: How Indie Rock Saved My Life, which is a tremendously funny and refreshing read for anyone that thinks us indie "hipsters" are too cool for school. I don't think he believed me when I said I read the footnotes, as well. I did2.
Dorothy one more time. This one's pretty good, I think...
It's another busy day...(WARNING: very shaky cam at certain points, tuff times shooting this down close)...
Oh, then there was this dude Eric from San Fran, who we'd run into 3 more times in the next 4 days. Nice dude. Hope you got home safe, partner.
More PIX here
1 translation = drunkenly
2 seriously
You! You've got a Love Theory!
Not sure if I know Daemion83 or not, but dude's got, like, 8 Nashville videos up. Props, for that...
Good times...
So you say you had a bounty on the back-up RB, after he gets injured?
And so the circus act that is Ray Ray and the Baltimorons continues.
Next up on the "bounty list" is Hines Ward. One look at a Raven message board says all you need to hear..."He'll get his." "Hines will get what's coming to him." Better hurry up dildos. He's only been in the league for, like...i dunno...11 years.
Unless this is your definition of "Hines getting his"...
Monday, October 20, 2008
The NFL in 2015 (if not sooner)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Hey's another Pavement Reissue!!!
Release Date is November 18th. I'd say someone should buy it for me for Xmas, but I've already gots mines.
Embassy Row!! The fumes they lay low...

Friday, October 17, 2008
Yeah, we got a lot of losses!!
Not sure why Therrien didn't send someone after Ovy. Oh, well. Next time, he'll get his. Bissonnette kicked ass though...
KO, Biz Nasty.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Another Riley Cote Beatdown
Clear win Godard. voters registered an 82.9% win for EG, as well. 14.6% ruled it a draw. 2.5% delusional Flyer fans chimed in.
3-2 Pens win in the process, keeping the Dirtballs winless on the season.
Boston Spaceships - Grog Shop
I know. About time. These weekend jaunts around the great Midwest are as exhausting as they are good times. Slowly catching up here, hope to upload Ann Arbor, Dayton, Chicago stuff soon. But first, a final date in Nashville awaits this weekend. To the PATH!!!
Not a ton of great shots from this particular show, as we started at the back of the pack, and the stage was sorta low. Eventually made it to the front, by which time, we had consumed a couple of Miller Lites.
(Advanced warning on all these vids: the sound is not that great from my camera. Just trying to capture the spirit of the whole thing, Reg.)
"Dorothy's a Planet", beautifully shot by Tirpak, whom as much as I'd like to say I've influenced towards the Bob / GBV thing, I'm fairly certain he wasn't familiar with this Suitcase tune. How he knew to shoot this (I believe I'm still further back at this point), I have no idea...but very nicely played.
I cheated, saw the Southgate set list from the previous night, so I admit I wasn't surprised...but excited to hear, nonetheless "Sensational Gravity Boy" (a couple seconds late on the trigger, sorry), which I had never heard live. Confirmation from shows that it was never played prior to this tour?? True?? Anyways...
Followed by "Crutch Came Slinking"!! Slushy and Narducy rawkin the Nate side...
Brown Submarine ROCKS live, and has been on even heavier rotation since seeing BS play. Probably the best Bob backed band since the GBV days, imho. Bob appears to be having a blast, and we love the inclusion of Jason and Tommy for the live sets. Since it wasn't played the previous night in KY, I was afraid this would be my first ever Bob show where "Game of Pricks" was not played. It wasn't. We got Pricks, as well as a kick ass Cheap Trick cover of "Hello There" (which oddly and coincidentally enough, is the new opening theme song for the Crow and Paulsen radio show on ESPN Pittsburgh).
Glorious times. A ton of great friends on hand. Yost got his first taste. Nebraska was represented. The O'Shea's were represented. Canada was in the house. And there was a Todd and Tim sighting. Beers. Bob. EVERYTHING.
More pix HERE.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Gonch out 4-6 Months
Friday, October 03, 2008
I Apologize in Advance
All I know is Sensational Gravity Boy will be played live tonight in Ann Arbor...
and this guy is SO THERE!!!!