Brian Murray's ranks up there. "They wanted to play Ottawa." Of course we did, assbag. Who wouldn't want a bye in the 1st round? Fact is, the fork has been in the Senators for so long, that you now need a spoon. And if you had a choice, who would you rather play:
A) A team that sucks, but has dirty players whose only intent on the ice is to injure (The Flyers)
B) A team that sucks (The Senators)
Either the Flyers or the Sens, it didn't matter. The Pens 1st Round series wasn't going more than 5 games. The only benefit of not playing Philly is you avoid the possibility of one of their shield-wearing scumbags (i.e. Downie or Hartnell) taking a cheapish run and trying to injure one of the Penguins stars. The Sens can't even do that right (witness non-tough guy Ryan Whitney's beatdown of Wade Redden last night.)
Game 2 adjustments for Ottawa...word on the streets is that Murray is replacing Randy Robitaille on the 1st line with Martin LaPointe.
Dude. Randy Robitaille would be healthy scratch on the Pens. And your answer to Game 1's drubbing is Martin Lapointe?!?
This series is d.u.n. Ottawa...thanks for coming. Bring on Ovy and the Caps.
the bias dripping from this page makes me feel like i'm reading fp's boston red sox musings.
har har har har har
no bias here...sears. all this stuff is based on hardcore factual quantitative data...
the Senators blow, the Flyers are scum, Don Brennan is a dildo, and Gary Roberts is a playoff god.
where's the bias there?
you know what else blows?
hockey. these games are dull as eff.
from an outsider's perspective, at least.
you know hockey has a problem when you're coming off "rule changes" to open it up yet every game goes under ... and the numbers are 4.5 and 5, with the odd 5.
the longer the playoffs go, i'm envisioning maybe an o/u of 2.5 or 3 down the road.
gotta love the First Goal Wins rule. may as well make it golden goal from the drop of the puck.
You're obviously not feeling the passion, my friend.
seriously...I think that has a lot more to do with the goalies than the penalties. i've seen a ton of 5 on 3's already. i'm seeing penalties being called when necessary. but the goalie play has been outstanding. look at the amount of top-notch goalies in the playoffs...Brodeur, Lundqvist, Nabokov, Giggy, Miikko. Even guys like Dan Ellis and Theodore played great down the stretch. Throw in the recent play of young 'ens Fleury and Price, and that's a pretty nice list.
well, as you know, i have a BIG PROBLEM with the size of the goalies. 90 per cent of the saves seem to be positioning...which is dull. it's like, "i'm here, i'm big, hit me!"
and, yes, soccer is low scoring too. but there's something far more exciting about watching a team string 12 passes together fluidly versus a team slap the puck in from the blue line and kick it around in the corner for a few minutes.
nary a word about toronto fc's big road win!?
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