Max Talbot's infamous "Ssshhhhhh!" has been imortalized and is now used to ward off the opponent.
I shoulda thought of this...damn.
We love our Max, here.
The objective of the game is to drive a bus from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas, Nevada in real time at a maximum speed of 45mph. The feat requires 8 hours of continuous play to complete, since the game cannot be paused.
The bus contains no passengers, and there is no scenery or other traffic on the road. The bus veers to the right slightly; as a result, it is impossible to tape down a button to go do something else and have the game end properly. If the bus veers off the road it will stall and be towed back to Tucson, also in real time. If the player makes it to Las Vegas, they will score exactly one point. The player then gets the option to make the return trip to Tucson—for another point (a decision they must make in a few seconds or the game ends). Players may continue to make trips and score points as long as their endurance holds out. Some players who have completed the trip have also noted that, although the scenery never changes, a bug splats on the windscreen about five hours through the first trip, and on the return trip the light does fade, with differences at dusk, and later a pitch black road where the player is guided only with headlights.
Berson, whom Business Week ranks as the 73rd most powerful man in sports, finalized his divorce from his ex-wife Jane in March, a source said. Lacey and Berson first found romance together two years ago, the source said. A separate ESPN source confirmed Berson and Lacey had been dating for a long time.
TFC WIN vs NY, hope for:
Colorado vs RSL - draw or RSL win
Dallas vs Seattle - draw or Seattle win
... just one of those results needs to happen for TFC to get in with a win
TFC DRAW vs NY, hope for:
Colorado vs RSL - draw or Colorado win AND
Dallas vs Seattle - Seattle win AND
NE vs Columbus - draw or Columbus win AND
DC vs KC - draw or KC win
just crunched numbers of all the playoff contenders, Toronto has the easiest remaining schedule.YES!!!! LET'S DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Toronto ... four remaining games ... two H two V ... average point total of remaining opposition: 28.
- DC ... four remaining games ... three H two V ... average point total of remaining opposition: 36
- SEA ... four remaining games ... one H three V ... average point total of opposition: 34.5
- Colorado ... four remaining games ... one H three V ... average point total of opposition: 31
- RSL ... four remaining games ... two H two V (one against Toronto) ... average point total of opposition: 29
- NE ... six games remaining ... three H three V ... average point total of opposition: 31
- Chivas ... six games remaining ... four H two V ... average point total of opposition: 31.5
With two extra games, ya gotta believe NE and Chivas should make it.If when any of the above teams play each other, we can get some ties ... and Toronto wins its two home games and its game in NY (I know, not as easy as it might sound)I THINK WE CAN DO THIS THING!!!