...randomness surrounding Guided by Voices, Robert Pollard, and other great indie rock bands; a quasi objective look at "my" sporting teams; the random horror film; plus other crap as we see fit...all with a Pittsburgh based feel.
Wooooo! I got a mention at the end. I thought everyone should hear of this...so sad, and G-20 had nothing to do with it. If anything, people actually had a DAY to get out during the week to see the game.
I won't lie though, I would pay attention to the games if they played better and if I respected the Pirates organization and their management skills (if they had any).
i'm all aboot the upper deck.
Wooooo! I got a mention at the end. I thought everyone should hear of this...so sad, and G-20 had nothing to do with it. If anything, people actually had a DAY to get out during the week to see the game.
I won't lie though, I would pay attention to the games if they played better and if I respected the Pirates organization and their management skills (if they had any).
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