...randomness surrounding Guided by Voices, Robert Pollard, and other great indie rock bands; a quasi objective look at "my" sporting teams; the random horror film; plus other crap as we see fit...all with a Pittsburgh based feel.

Monday, January 26, 2009

This Thing is so P.C. it's Killing Me...

If you win 100-0, you get fired. However, if you loose 0-100, you go on network morning shows and watch NBA games in the owner's suite.

Last time I checked...

If you are a school that graduates 20, and carries a roster of eight kids with "learning difficulties," signing up for a high school league where kids are playing to earn college scholarships and coaches are attempting to make a living (traditionally, one would think job security would more easily achieved by winning a contest 100-0) seems a bit short-sighted.

For their part, Dallas Academy did nothing to welcome this media attention, but they certainly aren't backing away from it. They seem perfectly content to grab every interview they can, instead of... I don't know, maybe practice.

So yeah, by all means, please teach these kids the valuable lesson that it's not if you win or lose. It's how much you can whore yourself out, when it's time to grab every chunk of your 15 minutes.

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