...randomness surrounding Guided by Voices, Robert Pollard, and other great indie rock bands; a quasi objective look at "my" sporting teams; the random horror film; plus other crap as we see fit...all with a Pittsburgh based feel.

Monday, October 05, 2009

John Buccigross likes the Pens and cool music

Interesting little read from maybe the only person at ESPN who cares about hockey.

He's got the Pens back atop the Eastern Conference and apparently is an indie / alt rawk fan. Only wish he would've picked a better act than Ben Folds to represent the Penguinos.

READ HERE: John Buccigross: Breaking down the Eastern Conference


gbvh said...

that list just goes to show that "indie/alt" doesn't necessarily mean "good."

hey -- where's the Big Ben Raw Is War coverage?

gary said...

true dat. but i'll at least give him credit for trying. At least he's not listening to crap like Creed or Hootie.