Friday, July 27, 2007
You Have Bad Taste in Music
My fav is the "Hoobastank" ridiculing, where he asks the Hoobastank fans to rank the band's 5 best songs. "Evanescence" and "Nickelback..." are also a hoot.
Off to my 1st ever Toronto FC game this weekend kids!!! OOOOO...DANNY DICHIO!!! DANNY DICHIO, DANNY DICHIO, DANNY DICHIO!!!
So. Pumpt.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Steeler Nation
NFL Films presents: Steeler Nation
Gets me all tingly and stuff. Since it's pretty essential video, and a little longer viewing time, we'll leave this up in the dorky ESPN-ish "Right Now" section so it doesn't get lost in the EC shuffle. Thanks to Tirpak for this.
More good news!! Not only did the Steelers sign their entire draft class previous to training camp (#1 pick Lawrence Timmons signed earlier this week), but Troy Polamalu was signed to a 4 year extension, making him the highest paid Steeler ever, and the highest paid Safety in the NFL.
This could be the 1st Steeler jersey I've ever owned where the player wasn't gone within 2 years of me purchasing the shirt. Those dubious shirts I've bought, where I was that guy, walking into the stadium with a jersey of a player whose NO LONGER ON THE FRICKIN TEAM...
Hardy Nickerson, Greg Lloyd, Levan Kirkland, Kendrell Bell
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Cesar Izturis Hand Puppets
Football season looms, so who really cares.
The funny part is, Cesar's dugout habits seem to conflict with the whole family friendly environment thingy going on over at PNC. I mean...was the Pirate brass aware that he likes to jam is hands up teammates'...
Izturis' Strange Celebration
Ok...I realize this just posted a few short weeks ago, but now that Mr. Izturis is invading our lovely city, I thought I'd throw it out there again. Hide the women and children.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Sack Vick
Monday, July 23, 2007
Copa America Final

Here's my all All Copa America Team, for what it's worth, and from what I'd witnessed. I'm going with a pretty unconventional 11 right here (only 3 defenders, 4 forwards), but here's my best 11:
G Doni - BRA
D Zanetti - ARG
D Juan - BRA
D Marquez - MEX
MF Riquelme - ARG - MVP**
MF - C Rodriquez - URU
MF Mascherano - ARG
F Messi - ARG
F Robinho - BRA
F Humberto Suazo - CHI
F Nery Castillo - MEX
Honorable Mentions - Giancarlo Maldonado - VEN, Diego Forlan - URU, Roque Santa Cruz - PAR, Oswaldo Sanchez - MEX, J. Baptista - BRA, Jaime Moreno - BOL, Veron - ARG
Bad week for my beloved Italia. Francesco Totti retires from the National Team. And with the results of Copa America in, FIFA drops Italy to #3 in World Rankings. Disappointing, but objectively I can't disagree.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Pitchfork Sunday
Next was the Ponys. And the Aluminum Stage sound system sucked. But kudos to the Ponys, who played on, and never missed a beat. I love the Ponys. Highly recommend checking out their last album Turn the Lights Out from Matador.
Menomena was interesting. Junior Boys was sorta groovy for a moment. The Sea and Cake was OK, but blah. Jamie Lidell was ?? So this was the point of the day where we gorged on pulled pork sammies from Robinson's.
About halfway through, SM brought out Bob Nastanovich, and promptly went into "Trigger Cut." They also played "In the Mouth a Desert." This was cool.
Here's some vid of "Spit on a Stranger", which was played right before he brought out Bob N...
I believe we also got a Silver Jews song mixed in there..."Blue Arrangements." Yes...I'd have preferred to see Janet Weiss and a full band out there, but I was pleased anyhow.
No Neko, and no Dan Bejar, but the New Pornographers still put on one of the best performances of the weekend...
Sorry...we didn't stay around long for De La Soul. I'm pretty nostalgic when it comes to the brilliant Three Feet High and Rising, but 2 songs into their set we realized it just wasn't the same as back in da day.
QUICK NOTE on a BURGH SHOW: John Doe, from X, is playing at Club Cafe...TOMORROW, as in MONDAY NIGHT!!! Early show starting at 7:00 at Club Cafe. Word from Chicago about the Knitters show this weekend was pretty get on out to Club Cafe.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Pitchfork Saturday
Matter o factly, I missed two acts that I'd have liked to at least check out on the "B" Stage, Dan Deacon and later local Pittsburgh-er Gregg Gillis of Girl Talk, simply b/c I was tired of fighting the crowd to get there.
Here's who we did see...
Califone was nice...
Voxtrot. Almost sounded like a mixture of Ted Leo & Joe Jackson. Looking back at it, probably my favorite of the day...
Fujiya & Miyagi. Groovy. Wish we had more room. Wax on. Wax off...
Somehow we made it back to the "B" Stage for Professor Murder. It was even more crowded. But good times for what it was worth. Make sure to check out the tune "Free Stress Test" (see July 6th post for sampling) It's a hit, I think...
What else was there...oh...Cat Power. Eh. Enjoy some of the tunes, but again, not the greatest "festival act," let alone a headliner. Jess was able to snap some off of Chan, but she got booted from the front for using the flash. Hehe :)
Overall, with some of the sound problems and limited size of the Balance Stage, probably not the greatest of days musically. Some would say it sucked, and I wouldn't argue that. Still a gorgeous summer day, not too hot, some drinks were consumed, friendly chat was chattered. I'd do it again.
Oh...and Dads who bring their kids to the rock show...rock.
For the rest of the pics from the fest: GO HERE!!!!!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Sonic Youth at Pitchfork
Slint started the "Don't Look Back" thingy off with the '91 classic Spiderland. From what I could tell, reactions from the crowd were kinda mixed, falling within these 3 sentiments:
A) This kicks ass
B) This blows
C) I loved the album, but it's just not doing it for me live
Put me in the 'C' group. I'll take Slint's advice: "This record was made to be listened to on vinyl." Or something like that.
And the best act of the weekend didn't disappoint: Sonic Youth ripped through Daydream Nation. When"Teenage Riot" started, I actually got goose pumps. After finishing up the album (sans the 14 minute "Trilogy" at the end"), Mark Ibold (ex-Pavement) came out and finished up an encore on bass, allowing Kim to do her little dance thing. You know the dance I'm talkin about...we LUV the Kim dance. Next time we meet, ask me...I'll do the imitation. Maybe not.
Anyway...Kim Gordon is the epitome of Rock. And Sonic Youth as a band continues to woo me every time we see them. They've been chalked up under the "do not miss" shows for a long time now, and there's no signs of them slowing down.
Here's song #4, "'Cross the Breeze", fresh from our little side stage nook. Sorry, it gets cut off b/c the song is so long, but the partial rocks:
For some more pictures of Sonic Youth...go HERE. And Jess is gonna kill me, but for some crazy reason, I can't find the close-up of Thurston that she took...ANYWHERE!?!?!?!? DAMN!!!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Culpepper = Gandhi, Vick Indicted
"As I was going through this process, I heard about a quote by Gandhi that best expresses my thoughts about this victory," Culpepper said in an e-mailed statement. "He said, 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.'."
Alrighty then.
In other NFL QB news, scum bag Michael Vick was indicted yesterday in his federal dog fighting investigation. Here's the actual 18 page indictment: U.S.A. vs. Michael Vick (and 3 other barbarians)
Funny, Vick's a.k.a in the indictment as "Ookie." Not so funny, the actual details of the indictment. Pretty detailed stuff. Props to the Feds for stepping in and taking over for Surry County Attorney Gerald Poindexter, whose ineptitude and blatant laissez-faire attitude in the case was pretty disgusting.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Noogies, Ice Nine, Jager Bombs, & Rooftops
here's some pics for those pals who ran the streets with us: Good Times in Chicago
Thumbs Up: Eggs Benedict at George's, the fascinating development of the Oak Park / Forest Park area, Caffe De Luca, Richie's new Final Cut, the institution that is Dennis & Ice Nine, McGaffer's and the Grinder I never had, Sully's, the crew that made it out Thursday, Eddie's Roof Top, Sub Tender and the Depth Charge, Bertolli's Pizza, the grub at Shanahan's, the mini-burgers at Northside, the gorgeous weather all weekend, pacing (sans Thursday night)
more to come tomorrow and following days regarding Pitchfork Fest
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Willowz, Pens Schedule, Brasil
More shows, which we can discuss in future weeks, like or not:
Pens Schedule Released Today. 1st Home game vs. The Duck October 6th. Here's the rest.
If you have then means, check out the replay of the Brasil vs. Uruguay semi-final last night. Frickin amazing game. A real cracker :) That is all.
EC will be on hiatus the next few days, checking out Pitchfork Fest. So don't get yer panties in a bunch. We'll be back with pictorials and video evidence, hopefully.
Cubs Celebrate by Shoving Hands up Each Other's...
Cubs Celebrate HR by Shoving Hands Up Each Other's...
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Whiny Dan Patrick OUT at ESPN, plus other crap
I seriously used to like Dan Patrick. But something happened over the past 3-4 years that made me sorta loathe him. Maybe it's just a case of his head getting a little big. But once he started airing his whiny opinions, it appeared DP was more interested in creating stories, rather than reporting them. And whenever he teamed with Keith Olbermann, another gentleman I used to like on ESPN, the two together came off as one giant pompous ass.
I understand the whole journalistic "need to ask the right questions" thingy, but Patrick's obnoxious persistence towards some of his interviewees became somewhat annoying, and painted him more as a show-off than a journalist.
Perhaps the downfall of Patrick started after Rob Dibble left. Like or dislike Dibble, the show didn't have as much dead air as it started to once Patrick went solo.
Good riddance. Perhaps I won't have to turn the dial anymore.
Now if only the programming peeps in Bristol could bring back a real talent to the radio airwaves, like Erik Kuselias, that would be swell. It's a shame Kuselias is being wasted on something as lame as NASCAR.
Pens schedule comes out tomorrow, kids. Sid = Signed. Yeah Ber Ber.
Getting ready for Fantasy Football, I got this little tidbit from Football Guys:
Chargers rookie LB Anthony Waters was arrested Friday and is accused of hitting a man with his car after the man threw a rock at him. He was released on $1,000 bond and no trial date has been set. Waters is being charged with assault and battery. He was selected by San Diego in the third round of the 2007 NFL draft.
Chasing someone down with your car after getting a rock thrown at you. No....seriously.
I watched a whole 5 minutes of the Home Run Derby last night. Turned it off after the 1st 300 "Back, Back, Back's" from Chris Berman. I just heard someone suggest they should spice things up with a "Skills Competition." No...seriously.
Copa America resumes tonight. So if you're bored with the Meaningless 9-Man Stand Around All Star game (as opposed to Meaningful 9-Man Stand Around regular season games, which includes about 20% of MLB teams right now), throw on GolTV at 8:45 tonight:
Brasil vs. Uruguay
Argentina vs. Mexico
The Quarterfinal's loss of exciting close games should be the Semi's gain. Both these matches should be top notch, and arguably represent the Top 4 teams in the competition.
And this just in from Frank the Face. This is CLASSIC (there's no direct link, so you may need to Scroll Down to July 10th):
Cubs Celebrate Game Winning HR By Shoving Hands Up Each Other's Asses
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Ass Hat: A-Rod

After the game, A-Rod told reporters that he was influenced by his former Little League team, who used to chant "Hey Batter-Batter-Batter, Swing Batter" when they were in the field.
When told that other MLB players typically frown upon this type of "childish" behavior, A-Rod was defensive and replied:
"Liar Liar, Pants on Fire."
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Copa America: Quarterfinals, TFC on FSC
I FINALLY get to see my beloved Toronto FC tonight....Fox Soccer Channel, 8:30 EST vs. Chicago. Need a win, boys!!!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Drive-Ins are Cool, Killer of Sheep, Pitchfork Samplings
I watch my share of low budget, artsy-fartsy films, perhaps too many. But once and awhile, I don't mind dropping my indie guard, and taking in a BIG, bloated, senseless Hollywood summer blockbuster. That's where Drive-Ins come in handy.
Drive-Ins are perfect for these movies, because you don't have to worry about paying that much attention to it. We can park our lawn chairs behind the car, indulge ourselves in some tasty snacks (perhaps your finest meats, cheeses, and Jujyfruits), and uncork a couple bottles of wine. If a little conversation is necessary, you don't have to worry about missing anything. The next CG generated explosion will grab your attention back to the screen whenever necessary.
So if you're lacking some good 'ol American pop culture, and the US magazine in your doctor's office isn't sufficing, go check out a blockbuster this summer and pay minimal attention.
Check the scheduled screenings, and if you have the means, I highly recommend checking it out. Finished in 1977, it hadn't been released until now. Now it's been beautifully restored, and if your a fan of essential films...this one's a must.
(left click to play; right click to download)
:: Deerhunter - Strange Lights ::
:: Oxford Collapse - Prop Cars ::
:: Professor Murder - Free Stress Test (Harkin & Wolf remix) ::
:: The Sea and Cake - Up on Crutches ::
:: Dan Deacon - The Crystal Cat ::
:: Califone - Sunday Noises ::
And if you're really silly and ambitious, or not really, check out the FREE eMusic 2007 Pitchfork Music Sampler here. It's FREE. FREE is nice.
Oxford likeys...
Thursday, July 05, 2007
America's Pride Restored
But don't fret fellow Americans. Joey "Jaws" Chestnut brought the back the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Championship yesterday, finally ending Takeru Kobayashi's 5 year reign atop the sport. Not only did Jaws take down Kobayashi, he shattered his previous world record at Nathan's of 53.5 HDB's, burying a total of 66 HDB's!!
According to, Chestnut was actually the favorite in the event at 10:13 odds (Koby was an even 1:1). Many had thought that Chestnut, who had a 1.5 HDB lead late last year, choked by not finishing off Koby when he had him on the ropes. In another event last month, Jaws actually downed 59.5 HDB's, so perhaps his role as the favorite were justified.
Major props to Koby for battling injuries, and even competing in the event. He'd just recently had a wisdom tooth extracted, and was experiencing pain in his jaw days leading up to the Championship. The proud champ battled Chestnut to the end, even bettering his previous career best (and previous world record) with 63 HDB's.
There are rumors that Koby appeared to puke up some dog / bun at the end, which would've disqualified him, but the experienced veteran was able to gather himself, and swallow anything that may have otherwise been regurgitated.
This is probably the best programming ESPN has done since NCAA Championship week earlier this March. Here's the last 5 minutes (I'm still looking for guerrilla footage of the supposed puking, which ESPN couldn't show on air)...
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
FAAAAAAAACK!!!! I can't believe I didn't make it to Dayton for this. A lot of love in that room right there. Thank you "pocketspouringseeds" for this.
Bob with Nate and Chris. It's too dark to that Jimmy Mac on drums!?!?!
Also...someone with the screen name "swinginparty" on YouTube has a slew of videos from the "Heedonists" doing a bunch of GBV. The best part...Bob's front and center in the crowd singing along!!!!! Unbelievable. TOO F*$KIN COOL!! Go here:
Heedfest Vids from "swinginparty"
Whoever "swinginparty" is, perhaps we've met, but I thank you.
And thanks to B. Seitz for the generous invite & Barth for the messages. I'm really kicking myself in the noots right now. DAMN!!!!
Copa America: After 2
One round left, and here's the updated standings after last night (the goal differentials are from my notes, read: unofficial, but I believe are they are correct):
Group A
1. Venezuela 4 pts +2
2. Peru 3 pts +1
3. Uruguay 3 pts -2
4. Bolivia 1 pt -1
Group B
1. Mexico 6 pts +3
2. Brasil 3 pts +1
3. Chile 3 pts -2
4. Ecuador 0 pts -2
Group C
1. Paraguay 6 pts +7
2. Argentina 6 pts +5
3. U.S.A 0 pts -5
4. Colombia 0 pts -7
Again, for those new in class, the Top 2 teams in each group advance to the Quarters, and the Best 2 3rd Place finishes advance.
What's this mean for the U.S.:
Mexico vs. Chile: Wednesday, 4th of July, 6:30pm EST
As a U.S. fan, you once again need to cheer on your hated rivals Mexico. They need to not only beat Chile...but pummel them. The 1st tiebreak is Goal Differential, and Chile is +3 goals right now. However, with a 2 goal Chile loss AND a 2 goal U.S. win over Colombia on Thursday, Bob Bradley's crew would be in (provided Ecuador didn't pummel Brasil and surpass them in GD). The game on Wednesday will tell you what you need to root for on Thursday:
U.S.A vs. Colombia: Thursday, 7/5, 6:30pm EST
Group A is pretty much still up for grabs. Uruguay, while looking better in the 2nd round vs. Bolivia, is still struggling to score goals. After Tuesday, they could either win group A with a win over home country Venezuela, or they could be ousted with a loss and a Bolivia win. Group A, by far, is the weakest of the bunch.
Mexico will clinch Group B with at least a draw against Chile. Hopefully, for the U.S., they won't settle for that. Watch Mexico forward, Nery Castillo. Although erratic at times, dude's a stud with a ton of ability. Hats off to Goalie Oswaldo Sanchez, as well.
Brasil got back on track as expected vs. Chile Sunday. Real Madrid's little Robinho was the man, and with the absence of guys like Kaka and Ronaldhino, he's taking the opportunity to shine. While known for their offensive skills, the Brasil back line was pretty solid as well. Veteran defender Juan has been rock solid in front of Doni (the "powderpuff").
Match to Not Miss in Round 3:
Argentina vs. Paraguay, Thursday, 7/5, 8:45 pm
With a -2 GD, Argentina must win against Paraguay if they want to win Group C. They are both locks for the Quarters, but there is a major difference in potential pairings, depending on who finishes 1st and 2nd...
The winner of Group C will play the 2nd place team outta Group A (the weak group). HOWEVER...the 2nd place team in Group C must square off with the winner of Group B...that being either Mexico or Brasil (most likely, Mexico). I would assume Argentina will be out to win, which will force Paraguay to play for the W as well. That should lend to an exciting end-to-end game.
Haven't seen a report on Argentina's Hernan Crespo, since he went limping off after last night's PK goal. No problem...Carlos Tevez is fresh and ready. How sick is that?!?!? The Argentina bench, with the likes of Tevez, Gago, Pablo Aimar, and Diego Milito, is maybe better than everyone else's starting squad.
A few peeps have givin it to me for my seemingly pro-Argentina rants, but with the U.S. not caring about this tournament, I've gotta root for my guys. With a heavy Inter Milan influence (Crespo, Cambiasso, Zanetti, Burdisso), and my favorite player in the world Lionel Messi playing for Argentina, I'd like to see these guys get their 1st international trophy since '93 (I believe). And my boy Crespo (with the freshly shaved hair-doo) has never won an international's go Argentina!!!!
Oh...and not having seen much of Riquelme this past year, it's been a pleasure watching him perform. Dude is lights out, top-notch, world class stuff.
And a final note on Team America...
You wouldn't have noticed it from the 3-1 score, but the U.S. pretty much dominated much of the play against Paraguay. A ton of chances inside the box, yet no one could finish. On the good side...Benny Feilhaber...I likeys. He's a keeper.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Pirates Fans Prove Case, for Nuttings
I keep hearing this cry of, "they owe it to the fans." Here's the harsh truth to the matter: The Nuttings DO provide what the vast majority of PNC attendees want: family entertainment. 90% of people who go to Pirate games don't care about winning baseball. Another 5% care, but will continue to attend games, anyway. Sure people will get upset over a loss when they leave, but they'll get over it. The next Fireworks night, they'll be back. Because that's what they want. Sorry.
The attendance announced Saturday night was 26,000. Maybe 1,000 got out of their seats at the end of the 3rd as planned. Reports are that maybe 100 people left the park. Most everyone who left their seat returned an inning later.
Leaving your seat and hanging out in the concourse??? Isn't that what fans at PNC do anyway??
This is why I'm non longer a fan. Take notice of the teams I support, whether they're here in Pittsburgh (i.e. Steelers, Penguins), over in Europe (Inter, Barca, Liverpool), or upstairs in Canada (Toronto FC). They've got passionate fans who care about the GAME ON THE FIELD!! They don't give a sh*t about frickin Bobbleheads!! I want zero part of a fan base that have sold out their desire to win for a Bobblehead. I'd be embarrassed to still be considered part of that contingent.
Pirate games are what they are: a family night out. And I'm sorry for those, like me, who wanted the "We are Family" thingy and proud tradition of Pirate baseball to live forever. But times have changed and nobody cares...except for a small majority of you.
This is what they care about:
Yeah...I got a last minute offer to attend PNC Saturday night. I was not taking part of the protest because again, I don't care. They were free tickets in the very front row, so I wasn't leaving. I drank my beer, crammed a hot dog down my face, watched some baseball, and laughed internally at all the supposed "fans" who cheered just as loud for the Pierogi Race as they did when the Bucs got 6 runs in the 2nd.
The other choice you have, as an irate fan who wants winning baseball, is to stop going. It may be difficult, but unless you can convince 20,000 in attendance to give a crap, then you're fighting a losing battle. If people continue to buy tickets to see that joke of an organization, then you're supporting what the Nuttings are selling.
Sorry to be so blunt for the few of you who care, and I support the fact that some of you are at least doing something about it. But your anger is focused at the wrong people. Next protest...take a long look around at your brethren.
My suggestion as an objective viewer w/o any emotional ties (not that it matters), is to aim this Irate Fan Movement more towards the real problem: the people who go to PNC for the amusement factor. Here's some ideas...
Boo the Pierogi Race. Boo the Hot Dog Toss. Throw your Bobbleheads in the garbage can. If you catch a T-Shirt, throw it back on the field. Chant "Sit Down Parrot" when he's in your section. I would show blatant discontent (mind you, without any vulgarities) for everything that has nothing to do with baseball. Show the "fans" around you how un-cool or un-hip "Let's Play Bucco" is. Write letters to the front office, and ask why ushers can't permit fans from entering their seats in the middle of play (after all, other "baseball" parks do this).
Until these "fans" grow tired of the extracurricular stuff at PNC, and care more about baseball, the Nuttings will continue to do what they need to make $$. And as a business owner, they have that right. It's almost pointless, and somewhat ignorant, to blame them entirely. They have simply recognized what the majority of their customers want, and provide it accordingly. That's just smart business.
Pirates fan protest fizzles out
Some Bucs fans, but not too many, leave their seats in protest
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Thome's Homies, circa 2007
A few weeks ago, Jim was back in town, perhaps for the last time in his career. And since Jimmy missed out on this year's trip, we actually got a few quality shots after dinner, minus the lean-ins.
Can't go without saying once again...Jim's the man. Coolest, most down-to-earth athlete you'd ever want to meet. Baseball could use a few more like him. More Thomes and less Man-Rams...and I'd be a much bigger fan of the game.
For those pals I'd been promising pictures to, here ya go:
Thome's Homies 07
Misc. notes from the weekend:
Tony's Cheesesteak, on the other hand, never stood a chance.
Ran into Bob Costas on the way to Bettis' joint. I admit I've never been the biggest fan, but he was about as nice as could be. Very cool dude, at least up to the point where he tried to run off with one of our Bobbleheads...
Oh, and thanks to the fine people at Ciao Baby. After a nice little dinner Friday night, we'd tried to find a cab (I'd warned y'all about the cab situation in the Burgh). Anyways, after cooking us dinner, the chef gave us a ride back to the Westin.
And I don't want to sound like I'm picking on anyone, so I won't mention any names, but somebody likes to get a little girl drink drunk off the cosmos at Bosonova.