I watch my share of low budget, artsy-fartsy films, perhaps too many. But once and awhile, I don't mind dropping my indie guard, and taking in a BIG, bloated, senseless Hollywood summer blockbuster. That's where Drive-Ins come in handy.
Drive-Ins are perfect for these movies, because you don't have to worry about paying that much attention to it. We can park our lawn chairs behind the car, indulge ourselves in some tasty snacks (perhaps your finest meats, cheeses, and Jujyfruits), and uncork a couple bottles of wine. If a little conversation is necessary, you don't have to worry about missing anything. The next CG generated explosion will grab your attention back to the screen whenever necessary.
So if you're lacking some good 'ol American pop culture, and the US magazine in your doctor's office isn't sufficing, go check out a blockbuster this summer and pay minimal attention.
Speaking of drive-ins...Twin Hi-Way Drive In, in Robinson Twp. has just reopened after a couple of decades of closure. Now showing: Spiderman 3 and Surf's Up.
Twin Hi-Way only has 1 screen, and I guess we'll eventually visit for simple nostalgia sakes. But we're a little partial to the Dependable in Moon Twp. Yes, the Dependable is the same one that used to show porn in the late 70's, early 80's (I'm not exactly positive on that time period, but it's close). Also, while Twin Hi-Way does not allow booze or outside food to be brought in, it appears The Dependable is OK with my wine, cheese, and Jujyfruit thingy. The Dependable has 4 separate screening areas. Our tips:
- Don't go on the weekend...way too packed. And we've found that there's less riff raff on Thursdays.
- Don't go to the main screen (#1). Screens 2, 3, and 4 usually appear less crowded (4 is the smallest). Save the movie on Screen #1 for DVD, if you must.
Speaking of low budget films, we went to see Killer of Sheep last night at Regent Square. Unfortunately, it was the last night it was playing in Pittsburgh.

Check the scheduled screenings, and if you have the means, I highly recommend checking it out. Finished in 1977, it hadn't been released until now. Now it's been beautifully restored, and if your a fan of essential films...this one's a must.

Check the scheduled screenings, and if you have the means, I highly recommend checking it out. Finished in 1977, it hadn't been released until now. Now it's been beautifully restored, and if your a fan of essential films...this one's a must.
Pitchfork Fest is exactly one week away...here's some more samplings. This particular sample is kinda all-over the indie realm, but that's what's kinda cool about the fest itself...so enjoy what you will:
(left click to play; right click to download)
:: Deerhunter - Strange Lights ::
:: Oxford Collapse - Prop Cars ::
:: Professor Murder - Free Stress Test (Harkin & Wolf remix) ::
:: The Sea and Cake - Up on Crutches ::
:: Dan Deacon - The Crystal Cat ::
:: Califone - Sunday Noises ::
And if you're really silly and ambitious, or not really, check out the FREE eMusic 2007 Pitchfork Music Sampler here. It's FREE. FREE is nice.
Oxford Collapse...me likeys...

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