I know that some of the other writers here on EC has grown tired of both professional baseball and ESPN, but I haven't. While ESPN is only around in my life because there isn't a viable alternative, I'll never give up on baseball.
ESPN, might already be regretting this last one, though. The WWL had suspended Scott Van Pelt, a.k.a. the only tv/radio personality worth listening to, because of his harsh criticism of MLB commish Bud Selig.

While Selig has become the unfortunate poster boy for everything wrong with the league, I believe he's done more good than harm to the league, and takes on more criticism than he rightly deserves. However, my view is that of a minority.
Van Pelt, who got an increased presence on radio because of his every-man perspective and sense, took Bud to task for his astronomical $18.5 million salary. Apparently, when your bosses are locked in a 8-year, $2.4 billion deal with the man you call overpaid, it's time to stop having an opinion.
I'm not even upset that he got suspended, I'm just disgusted that had Van Pelt replaced Selig's name with that of NHL commish Gary Bettman's, we wouldn't be having this chat.
When a media outlet stops reporting the news fairly, or allowing their commentors to comment freely, you are no longer allowed to consider yourself part of "the media."
1 comment:
I know there's a lot of EC readers that love baseball, so I'll choose my words carefully. Maybe not...
Baseball is a joke. Forget the fact that it's incredibly boring to watch. Save that for later...
I grew up playing the game, following the game, loving the game. I look back, and ask why. The romanticism with baseball is completely lost with the last era. Baseball apologists are happy to label this the "Steroids Era" and move on. Sorry...not that simple.
The hilarious thing you hear from ESPN baseball guys (as well as other baseball analysts), is the ole "We need to move on...let's just label this the 'Steroids Era, and build a separate wing in the HoF for McGuire, Bonds, and A-Rod." How convenient. As lame as that is, I don't blame them...reporting on 9-man-stand-around is their livelihood.
Sorry. Baseball players lost me a long time ago. No care for the sport and the game, only their pockets. The players union has helped run MLB into the ground, and Selig was too lame to stand up to it.
I think the biggest turn-off is that all of these dildos seriously believe if they lie enough...it eventually becomes true. The pompousness it takes to continually lie and hide the truth because they know 20% of the population are schmucks (throw in a few hopeful Peter Gammons-type guys), is pretty comical.
The competitive landscape is fucked. The historical data is compromised. The game of baseball is dead in these eyes.
thank God for the Milan Derby in 13 hours!!!
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