Guzman will reportedly make more $$ than the rest of the team combined, and in the humble opinion of that same correspondent...that's effed. But at least we can't say ownership is being short-pocketed anymore.
The playoff push starts tomorrow, with an absolute MUST 3 points up for grabs at home against Colorado. Two road trips loom at L.A. and Chicago. That's gonna be tough, but if we're crazy enough to get at least one of those two W's...or at the bare minimum 2 draws, then the final 3 sets us up for an easy 9 points against patsy San Jose (home), Salt Lake Shitty (home), and the worst team ever Red Bulls.
He's no Dichio, but he's JDG...
dude. i love you.
the steelers open the season and next-day coverage on EC is footie.
i still recall that night at the leafs-pens game when, between periods, tirpak mentioned something about g-smith's sudden love of soccer.
i was like, "Dude. Whatever."
tirpak: "Dude. I'm serious."
SHAKEY'S ... 1ish ... be there or be square.
the toronto star reports that JDG is unlikely to play today.
pumped for the JDG! JDG! JDG! chants though.
this song does not rock. (89.)
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