...randomness surrounding Guided by Voices, Robert Pollard, and other great indie rock bands; a quasi objective look at "my" sporting teams; the random horror film; plus other crap as we see fit...all with a Pittsburgh based feel.

Monday, February 15, 2010

R.I.P. Doug Fieger

Heard my babysitter play "My Sharona" on an 8-track when I was a wee little one, and the rest is history. Who would've thunk I'd be blogging about The Knack 30 years later...


Kono said...

Wow I've never seen that Strokes video... what i meant to say is that without the Knack there would have been no Strokes.

gary said...

never thought of that connection, but now that you mention it...it's dead on. Aren't the Strokes working on a new album? A follow up that's been in the making for...I dunno...7 years? :)